Quake Level - The Necrofortress
A Quake level made using Trenchbroom set in a dark medieval castle. The focus of the level is on recreating Quake's player experience while using architectural references to design play spaces and level geometry.
About "The Necrofortress"
Level Designer | 8 Weeks | Solo
The Necrofortress is a 4-6 minute fast-paced singleplayer Quake map where the player fights through enemy strongpoints to get to the castle.
Design Intent

Before starting my work in Trenchbroom I took some time to analyze the core of Quake by creating design pillars and analyzing the 3Cs. This allowed me to better understand the target game that I am working to create a level for.

I have also gathered Quake's metrics, so that I could design my gym level later.

  • Sketched level plans and room layouts.
  • Created nodemaps to illustrate enemy and item distribution.
  • Researched Quake's metrics and explored its levels.
  • Found reference images and the research of real life architecture as inspiration.

  • For this project it was important to use existing metrics to recreate Quake's gameplay and player experience.
  • Therefore, gym level has been created and iterated on as a part of the pipeline and the experimentation process.

Level Blockout
  • Started by creating a gym with Quake's metrics and rooms for testing combat encounters.
  • Created modular assets and blocked out my rooms with them.
  • Merged rooms into one level before starting with texturing and lighting.

Texturing / Lighting
  • Ended up texturing and lighting the entire level for it to be in a presentable state.

  • Playtested and iterated on the build every week.
  • Tracked feedback throughout the project and actively responded to bug reports and suggestions.
  • Completely reworked some of the locations based on the playtesting data and feedback.

Check out the pre-production board for my entire process of level creation!

Pre-Production Overview

Theme: ruined medieval fortress

invaded by the demons.

Player Goal: fight through enemy strongpoints inside

the gates and on the bridge to get to the castle

and defeat the boss.

USP: player pushes through the hordes of the undead

that were summoned by the demons

turning the level into a meatgrinder with fast-paced and action packed sequences.

I have constructed my level based on a dark medieval theme and architectural styles of various European castles. Throughout the project, architectural references were researched and implemented in Trenchbroom.
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